Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"All I can do is be me. Whoever that is." - Bob Dylan

Most people believe that this is just a biopic of Bob Dylan but they would be mistaken. This is a story told in a non-linear fashion following multiple characters. These characters represent the different stages of Bob Dylan's life and work.

From top left to right there is Christian Bale, Ben Whishaw, Heath Ledger, Richard Gere, Marcus Carl Franklin, and Cate Blanchett. Each portray one of Dylan's persona's.

Behind the camera you have long time independent film producer Christine Vachon and director Todd Haynes.

The film was a very interesting one to produce do to all the clearance that was needed before they could actually get started on writing it out. Vachon had to go through Jeff Rosen, Dylan's longtime representative, to try and and get the clearance. After a phone call Rosen is quoted as saying, "You know, that sounds really cool. We’re always thinking about a way, something that, you know, kind of collects the music." With this good news in store director Haynes was told to type up his idea and send it Dylan along with all his other films. He sent that pitch in summer of 2000, that fall he found that Dylan had said yes. Now with the clearance out of the way they could finally begin to work on the film.

Below is the trailer for the film....enjoy:

All information about the production was collected from this article. It is a very interesting read and I suggest any film student to do so.

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